At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.
Your role and responsibilities
Our Data and AI Development team is looking for an enthusiastic and talented Back-End Developer to help shape the future of the IBM data management portfolio, of fundamental importance to IBM's strategic direction on hybrid data management offerings for IBM Db2, IBM Cloud Pak for Data, (IBM's lakehouse for AI workloads), and more.
As a Back-End Developer, you will:
Work in an Agile, collaborative environment to design, build, deploy, configure, and maintain IBM Data and AI data management software, including SaaS products on multiple hyperscalers.
Design and implement new features, optimizing and maintaining existing code in a variety of languages, including C/C++, SQL, Perl, Python, Go, and Java.
Ensure the software meets the quality standards of enterprise-grade, mission critical software.
Work closely with other developers, architects, designers, and product managers
Work with renowned IBM products, including open-source technologies.
Develop using object-oriented, and multi-threaded, and highly concurrent programming techniques.
Implement industry standards and best practices for security.
Develop SQL queries, and back-end database procedures and algorithms.
Participate in software design and code reviews.
Participate in, and adhere to, professional software engineering practices using such tools and methodologies as Agile Software Development, Test Driven Development, and Continuous Integration.
Create and maintain technical documentation.
You will work alongside local and global teams of Developers, Architects, and Engineers creating the future of enterprise data management in the
context of AI. You are a Back-End Developer, who will design, develop, maintain, and support complex product components on multiple platforms. As an ambitious individual who can work closely with a senior architect's direction, you can manage change and work under pressure.
You are curious to learn, as demonstrated by your up-to-date technical knowledge. You are a capable team player, familiar with Agile methodologies and principles, or have experience working in an Agile team. We seek someone who will thrive in an open, dynamic, flexible, and collaborative environment; an individual who desires creative freedom along with the opportunity to work in a high performing enterprise software team.
Required technical and professional expertise
Strong software development experience with C/C++.
Experience developing and/or administering SQL databases.
Strong knowledge of software algorithms, data structures, and database concepts.
Experience and comfort in Linux/UNIX development environments
Experience writing / executing unit and functional tests
Experience with systems such as Git and GitHub
Preferred technical and professional experience
Experience with SQL database engine development in Db2, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, Snowflake, Redis or similar databases.
Experience with container platforms including Kubernetes and OpenShift
Experience with developing on hyperscalers including AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Cloud
Expertise with languages including Perl, Python, and Linux/UNIX scripting is preferred
Working knowledge of tools such as Artifactory, Jenkins, Tekton, and Maven would be an asset